Pets & rental properties in Vic

Animal lovers may be wondering how they can get their furry, feathered or scaly creatures into a rental property (the right way). Pets and rental properties have been a hotly debated topic in the real estate world, especially during Covid-19 when a lot of us looked to pets for companionship. We’ve pulled together the ins and outs of pet requests so you can get your four (or two) legged friend into your place!

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Already have a PLACE, JUST NEED THE PET?

  1. Complete a pet request form (ideally before you have your pet), you can ask your property manager for the form, or go one step further and download the form here

  2. It’s a good idea to give the rental provider as much information about the pet as possible. For example, the pet’s age, training, characteristics (bonus points if you have a reference from a trainer or a vet or someone close to the pet to vouch for your statements)

  3. Submit your form to your property manager, they will liaise with the rental provider and seek their approval

  4. The rental provider has 14 days to make a decision (starting the day after they received the form)

  5. If the rental provider approves the pet, they will give consent in writing to the property manager

  6. If the rental provider doesn’t respond within the 14 days - the request is automatically approved and your pet gets the green light 

  7. On the occasion where the rental provider wants to decline the request, they have to apply to VCAT, where the matter will be looked into further (while VCAT are making a decision, you cannot keep your pet in the home)

  8. There may also be conditions negotiated for keeping the pet. For example, the pet is not allowed to go on any carpeted areas. Any conditions agreed on should be in writing


  1. Rental providers must have a good reason to refuse your pet, however you do need their permission! So make sure you state you have a pet in your rental application

  2. Introduce your pet to the owner of the property and the real estate agent by creating a pet resume and attach it to your application! Make sure to include a nice, cute photo of your pet (a face they can’t resist), and include all of the great things about your animal

  3. Ask if your vet, trainer, close friend or previous agent can write a reference for your pet

Good luck!

The Sorted team

Jack Price